Here's a small overview of some of the apps and projects Rool Productions has been involved with.
Dutch National Police
Created the new app for the Dutch National Police, where you can check for stolen / fenced items, report crimes, find and contact the nearest police station or officer.
Created a CI/CD pipeline with fastlane and jenkins for automated ui- and unit-test, nightly builds and releases.
Use of Autolayout, Alamofire, Mapkit, MLKit, Firebase, Carthage, Clean-swift, and Xcode.

Always Hello,
An app to safely and securely synchronize your contact data. Responsible for the iOS part of this project. Started in Objective-C, migrated to Swift and continued development in Swift (iOS-SDK 8, 9, 10 & 11).
Use of public / private key encryption (RSA), symmetric encryption (AES), hashing (BCrypt), cross platform multi device syncing, push notificaties, Bluetooth & ultrasound communication, animation, custom views, security, Autolayout, UI-testing, Unit-testing, CoreData, Anonymous Tracking, openSSL, JSON, youtube, FontAwesome, Google Nearby, Pushkit, Universal links, MVC, MVVM and XCode.
Created a complete Continuous Integration street via Jenkins & HockeyApp for automated unit test, UI-tests and nightly builds and releases to the AppStore.
Backup sysadmin for Amazon AWS and Docker.
Managed the junior and medior developers and remote teams in Bulgaria, Belarus and Serbia in an agile / scrum environment (part time scrum-master)
24 Coms
Helped the guys to meet some tight deadlines and reduce their bug backlog for their white-label communication tool, the Dutch version of WhatsApp for business.
Migrating from Objective-C to Swift 4 (iOS-SDK 10 & 11), building new features like offline chat, forwarding messages and white labelling. Educating and managing the team in Scrum and agile development.
Use of Autolayout, IGListKit, PromiseKit, PureLayout, Private cocoapods, MVC, Xcode and Sockets.

I created an iOS app to rediscover your social favorites. Build in Objective-C, build an API in PHP/CodeIgniter.
Usage of Facebook API, Instagram API, Twitter API, Vimeo & Youtube API.
Kinderen voor Kinderen Karaoke BNNVARA.
Lead Developer for an iOS and Android app to sing along with yourfavorite Kinderen voor Kinderen (BNNVARA) songs. Usage of video and audio playback and recording..

De Lotto
Lead Developer for an iOS and Android app to play the Lotto.
Usage of custom views, CoreData, Animation, external API and push notifications.
Lead Developer for an iOS and Android app to play the Eurojackpot.
Usage of custom views, CoreData, Animation, external API and push notifications.

Lucky Day
Lead Developer for an iOS and Android app to play Lucky Day.
Usage of custom views, CoreData, Animation, external API and push notifications.

A web app for a Belgian cable company for Video on Demand and a TV guide. Build in Sencha for iOS, Android and Web.

For the girls at How 2 Spend It I created an iOS and Android app, focused on guiding women in a new relationship, to handle all the financial details.
Usage of UICollection, Storyboards, User feedback, Video, Web content, with different layouts for phone and tablet.