An app to safely and securely synchronise your contact data. I build the iOS part of this project. Started in Objective-C, migrated to Swift and continued development in Swift (iOS-SDK 8, 9, 10 & 11).
Used Tools
Use of public / private key encryption (RSA), symmetric encryption (AES), hashing (BCrypt), cross platform multi device syncing, push notificaties, Bluetooth & ultrasound communication, animation, custom views, security, Autolayout, UI-testing, Unit-testing, CoreData, Anonymous Tracking, openSSL, JSON, youtube, FontAwesome, Google Nearby, Pushkit, Universal links, MVC, MVVM and Xcode.
Created a complete Continuous Integration street via Jenkins & HockeyApp for automated unit test, UI-tests and nightly builds and releases to the AppStore.
Backup sysadmin for Amazon AWS and Docker.
Managed the junior and medior developers and remote teams in Bulgaria, Belarus and Serbia in an agile / scrum environment (part time scrum-master)
