Dutch Police

The Dutch National Police wanted a new iOS app where civilians can check for the latest regional news, missing persons / children, amber alerts, check for stolen / fenced items, report crimes, find and contact the nearest police station or officer.


As this is a public app from the police for all the citizens, the need for accessibility was factored in from the start. High contrast, Voice Over, the team and I went the extra mile to ensure the app is usable for everyone.

For testing we created some CI/CD pipelines with Fastlane, some shell scripting and Gitlab-CI for automated ui- and unit-test, nightly builds, acceptance and production releases. 

Dutch Police App
The Dutch Police App

Used Tools

For this project I used Autolayout, Alamofire, Mapkit, MLKit, AVKit, REST, JSON, Firebase, Carthage, Clean-swift, Swiftlint, Sonarqube and Xcode. The app is written 100% in Swift 5.


Download the latest version of the iOS app from the app store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nationale-politie/id765547809?l=nl&ls=1&mt=8