It’s time. Time for SwiftUI

During this Corona pandemic I’ve been lucky to have kept my freelance spot working on the apps for the Dutch Police. Managed to squeeze in the Coursera course on COVID-19 Contact Tracing, but I kept postponing learning all about SwiftUI.

Last week I came across this tweet by John Sundell:

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MVVM at scale: Not so simple

I’ve been reading up on a lot of architecture stuff and came across an interesting presentation by Nataliya Patsovska on MVVM at scale: not so simple from the try! Swift NYC over at


Use design patterns while applying MVVM, separate objects for different layers. It forces you to manage the complexity, the most important technical topic in software development. It won’t fix all of your problems, but gives you a great start.

MVVM to the rescue
MVVM to the rescue